Sacred Rose Ayurveda 

Balance Nourish Heal

Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Bodywork Therapist


The world’s oldest healing system…

Ganesh representing ayurveda

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional healing system that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It is a Sanskrit term which translates to “the wisdom of life”. The goal of Ayurveda is to keep the body and mind in an optimal state of health.

With proper diet, herbs, yoga, meditation, and daily practices, Ayurveda assists the body in journeying back to a state of balance and optimal health. Improper diet, our environment, and daily stressors can cause imbalances in the body. Times of the day, the seasons, and different periods of our lives also play a role in our well-being. Ayurveda can help navigate us through these changes, keeping oneself healthy, happy and at ease.

Sacred Rose Offerings

Abhyanga Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage

Personalized Treatments

Sacred Rose Ayurveda treatments detoxify and bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Each session is unique to the individual, choosing the proper herbs and oils for your needs.

These time tested Ayurvedic body therapies offer support when one is cleansing and detoxing. They help calm the nervous system, reduce headaches and relieve insomnia. Ayurvedic therapies also improve memory, energy, and increase circulation in the body. They truly nourish the body inside and out.

Sacred Rose Ayurveda currently offers Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Garshana, Swedhana, Indian Head Massage, and a Bliss Therapy Treatment. I will also start to offer Ayurvedic Health Consultations in the near future!

Stephanie Endres of Sacred Rose Ayurveda in Madison WI


Stephanie Endres

I am a certified Health Counselor and Bodywork Therapist located in Madison, WI. I started studying Ayurveda in 2012 after being inspired by this traditional healing system while traveling. I then opened Sacred Rose Ayurveda and passionately offer Ayurvedic bodywork to clients throughout the Madison area.

Client Love

  • "Stephanie has a deep and profound understanding of Ayurvedic practices. She is a kind and insightful communicator and a skillful practitioner. I always look forward to sessions with Stephanie. I feel a wholeness, completeness and a sense of well-being. She has enormous integrity and is an inspiration for my health and wellness."

    — Nansi Colley

  • "Stephanie is fantastic! Her Abhyanga massage is my go-to for stress relief. It's like a mini-vacation for your body and soul. She has great technique and wonderful presence."

    — Dawn Nagle

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips & Recipes

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